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  • About me

    I am the administrator/developer

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Member since
Wednesday, 03 July 2013 23:27
Last online
10 years ago
  • Moderators Group has been featured.

    11 years ago

  • admin added a new comment in Christianity Discussion
    11 years ago

    This is the Christian Discussion can add images, videos and emotions etc.. you can link inside the site and out..etc. ENJOY

  • admin added a new comment in Catholicism - Basic Concepts
    11 years ago

    this is a simple test

  • admin
    11 years ago

    In Aspen - meeting at noon

  • admin
    11 years ago

    back in boulder - working

    admin Upgraded the core and it blew us to pieces - did a recovery and now I am applying the patches again - glad we are up and working again!
    11 years ago
  • admin
    11 years ago

    so I am out caving til Tuesday - I will take a backup and then roll out .. have a blast in Hawaii - catch up upon my return. Thanx!!!

  • admin shared 6 photos in the Websnare Test Album album
    11 years ago

  • admin uploaded a new avatar.
  • admin
    11 years ago

    This is the very first post!

    admin test of comment by me
    11 years ago